Primary Service(s): Land Development, Surveying Services, Traffic Engineering Services
One of our larger projects is the new elementary and middle schools for the Cumberland Valley School District in Silver Spring Township and Hampden Township, PA. This project has taken extensive planning and cooperation of land owners, Silver Spring Township and Hampden Township, Cumberland Valley School District, and both engineers and architects from Derck & Edson, Alpha Consulting Engineers and many more. The project has a tentative start date of November 2016, which is dependent on all necessary approvals from Silver Spring Township, Hampden Township, PennDOT, Department of Environmental Protection, Cumberland County Conservation District, US Army Corps of Engineers, several utility companies, etc. It will take approximately 2 years to complete.
We will be conducting due diligence of the schematic design, environmental assessment, zoning approvals, and traffic assessments. Some of the land development services proposed for this project include boundary and topographic surveys, environmental studies, utility extension design and coordination, stormwater management, road relocation design, and traffic impact studies.